Mar 10, 2011


I've discovered my trigger and it was no surprise.

Coffee! Not the regular black coffee I have every day thankfully, but the cappuccino from Nescafé. Not even 60 cals for a cup so why not right! But then I thought I should treat myself to a little sidesnack to go with it. I started eyeing the rice crackers the fiancée bought but they're salted and I hate those. Then I found m&m's with nuts, my favorite! So I took three out of the bag, all a different color. And then the old me started thinking... This whole bag seems like a pretty excellent binge.... And there's cheesesnacks and potato chips in the 'goodiecloset' (which I normally never open except for a martini, I hate potato chips) and I'd love to binge just one time...

But I've lost 4 kilos already and I plan to lose alot more, so I behaved and put the bag of m&m's away except the three yummy ones. And they tasted super!

Hopefully this bingemood will have subsided tonight, it's cheese bread and wine night. Cheese and bread are two of the things that make me gain like crazy when I eat too much.

And right now, I'd like to have too much...

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