Apr 1, 2011

april fool's

Karma is pulling me pranks today.

I can't seem to break this plateau! If you can call it a plateau, it's my own damn fault. I was good yesterday actually, but there was too much cheese. So instead of going under my dreaded number, I went up again. It's a constant struggle, I want to binge!! But I don't, not really. Today it's vegan as much as possible and as little as possible. But tonight I'm going to my parents so that's not gonna happen. I'll have to continue to work on my weight in the weekend. Luckily we're not going anywhere and saturday's veggieday so my boyfriend won't want anything unhealthy and drag me along.

Also I cut my two thumbs, don't know on what or how, and it hurts to cook!

I feel fat. I actually heard a voice earlyer saying I'm not good at anything. I think it's just me telling me how it is.

Hope the weekend's better! I'll try to have fun and be happy =)

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