Feb 23, 2011

oh hell no(on)

Right now I't almost noon. A hell of a time for me. I work from home, so I can take care of my babygirl myself yay! But that also means I can eat whatever and whenever. And that's a problem. Yesterday I asked my boyfriend to hide the cookiejar. That's not the worst. I've been trying to find it this morning.

I don't have an eating disorder, but I do have disordered eating.

As in it doesn't interfere with my health (although I am obese, I don't feel like it impairs me in any way) or with my social life, but it's not what people would see as 'normal' eating. I never could eat normally, it's always been too much and too fatty/sugary, or too little.
At the moment the scale shows me the highest number ever. Don't mind so much though, I've only given birth like a few months ago and put on aloooooot of weight during pregnancy. It was a dream, I was never sick and the foodcravings were hilariously weird. BUT ofcourse I gave in to them way too often. As in all te time. Put on 20 kilo's! And lost, well, 3...

Yesterday I decided to do something about it. So my boyfriend had to hide the cookies. And the chocolates too. He loves me so he does it without looking at me like I'm an idiot without selfdiscipline :P

recent weight: waaaaay to high
1st goal weight: waaaaay to high minus 5 kilos
ultimate goal weight: 64 kilos. Just enough to have a healthy bmi of 24.7

Sad huh. Hint: I've got a LONG way to go

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